Saturday, September 19, 2009

Moving Forward

I think sometimes that the authorities are dragging their feet in this case.  I have asked the new District Attorney to re-open the Denice Haraway investigation.  After all it is his call!  The first letter I wrote to him I forgot to date it and I didn't certify it.  But I am learning as I go.
The captian of Detectives at the Ada Police Department said that he would be glad to investigate this for me if the District Attorney will re-open the case.
I know that I am no lawyer, but I am an American Citizen and I have the Lord on my side!  I am the eye witness that Dennis Smith never talked to.  I was not drinking or high or anything else when I saw Denice Haraway, in an old 1950's red Chevy pickup, with a blonde headed man driving and a dark headed man with a semi-automatic pistol pointed out the window.  It was NOT Tommy Ward or Karl Fontenot.  I now know that the same two fellows are also responsible for the Patty Hamilton's disappearance which happened in the early morning hours of Saturday April 9th 1983.  The reason I know this, is because I was at my cousin's place that night for a little get together he was having.  These two fellows made mistakes that night that would point them out to me in 2006.
The young dark headed man was to young to drink beer!  But he was not to young to ask me what I thought about his Stainless Steel semi-automatic handgun with black side grips.  I almost laughted, because the trigger guard and hand grip was almost as long as the slide or barrel or upper receiver group.  I told him he should put it away, because booze and guns really don't mix well.  The bore was to big to be a 22 caliber.  His name is Bobby, sorry no last names yet!
Bob's mistake was he parked the 1949 dodge pickup they were in the garage instead of out in front of my cousin's house!  So it like this Bob and Bobby think that they have gotten away with murder not once but twice!
Nothing can be done about this until the District Attorney in Ada re-opens the Denice Haraway case.  Then Tommy Ward and Karl Fontenot will be released from prison.  Bob and Bobby will get a proper Justice at last.

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