Thursday, November 12, 2009

Getting Closer To Freedom For Tommy and Karl

I am really sorry that it has taken so long to get to this point. But I had to be positive about the identity of the real murderers of Patty Hamilton and Denice Haraway.  One of the biggist mistakes the real murderers made was taking both young ladies to the same ranch!  Yes that is right.  The first time that they came to my cousins place was early on the morning of April 9th 1983.  They parked their 1949 Dodge Pickup truck in the center bay of the garage just a few minutes before I got back from feeding and counting D's cattle.  I really have a thing for old trucks.  They were not in the same truck in May 1984 but it was another Old Truck!  It was a 1950's Chevy pickup that had been lowered with American mag rims.  It was red in color and the inside of the cab was black with a small back window.  When I asked my cousins about this truck in 2006, D. asked, "About when did you say you saw it?"
I said, "About the first or second week of May 1984."
D. said, "That sounds like Bob, it was about that time that he used the Shangri-la to paint his truck."

That is when everything started falling into place for me.  As I read "The Innocent Man" the Lord reminded me that my Aunt had requested prayer for some young people that had been staying out at the ranch.  She had said, "Little Debie Lyons looked so lost when she walked into my living room last night, and those boys Lord those boys."  That was twenty some odd years ago and I can remember it like it was last weekend.  According to John Grisham in "The Innocent Man" Denice Haraway was born Debra Denice Lyons!  I do not believe that God has brought me back to this State of Oklahoma for nothing.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Moving Forward

I think sometimes that the authorities are dragging their feet in this case.  I have asked the new District Attorney to re-open the Denice Haraway investigation.  After all it is his call!  The first letter I wrote to him I forgot to date it and I didn't certify it.  But I am learning as I go.
The captian of Detectives at the Ada Police Department said that he would be glad to investigate this for me if the District Attorney will re-open the case.
I know that I am no lawyer, but I am an American Citizen and I have the Lord on my side!  I am the eye witness that Dennis Smith never talked to.  I was not drinking or high or anything else when I saw Denice Haraway, in an old 1950's red Chevy pickup, with a blonde headed man driving and a dark headed man with a semi-automatic pistol pointed out the window.  It was NOT Tommy Ward or Karl Fontenot.  I now know that the same two fellows are also responsible for the Patty Hamilton's disappearance which happened in the early morning hours of Saturday April 9th 1983.  The reason I know this, is because I was at my cousin's place that night for a little get together he was having.  These two fellows made mistakes that night that would point them out to me in 2006.
The young dark headed man was to young to drink beer!  But he was not to young to ask me what I thought about his Stainless Steel semi-automatic handgun with black side grips.  I almost laughted, because the trigger guard and hand grip was almost as long as the slide or barrel or upper receiver group.  I told him he should put it away, because booze and guns really don't mix well.  The bore was to big to be a 22 caliber.  His name is Bobby, sorry no last names yet!
Bob's mistake was he parked the 1949 dodge pickup they were in the garage instead of out in front of my cousin's house!  So it like this Bob and Bobby think that they have gotten away with murder not once but twice!
Nothing can be done about this until the District Attorney in Ada re-opens the Denice Haraway case.  Then Tommy Ward and Karl Fontenot will be released from prison.  Bob and Bobby will get a proper Justice at last.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Tommy and Karl

Tommy Ward and Karl Fontenot have been in the Oklahoma prison system for a very long time. When I first heard that they had caught the two responsible for the Denice Haraway abduction I thought the Ada Police Department knew what they were doing. I also thought that my sighting of Denice Haraway with two young men on May 6th 1984 must of not have been important to the investigator Dennis Smith. Seeing as we never got a chance to talk. I called the sighting into the Pontotoc County Jail that Sunday afternoon as soon as I got back from Asher Okla. where I filled my car with gas for the week.
I had spent enough time in that county jail all the jailers knew me as Doug. It was kind of wierd to me that there wouldn't be any deputy sheriffs around on Sunday afternoon because all the time I had spent in the county jail, during visiting hours there was always a couple around. But on this Sunday there wasn't. So I told the female jailer that answered the phone, "The girl everyone is looking for is out here at Galey, she is with two men, one blonde headed and one dark headed. They are in a 1950's red Chevy Pickup, and they have a gun." I have to admit that I was a little excited at that time, because I had just seen the young lady's picture on the front page of the news paper at the place in Asher where I got my gas.
I gave the lady a full description of the truck and the two fellows that was with her. I told her exactly where I was my name, everything but no one came out to see me. I did see a sheriff's car drive by a couple of hours later.
The jail ministry was what the Lord had laid on my heart back in March of that year while I was still setting out a bunch of fines that I owed. I was released from the county jail around the first of April 1984 with the promise to the judge to pay fifty dollars a week on the remaining fines.
I was working at Ada Iron and Metal as a welder. I told Dave my co-worker about the sighting the next morning when I got to work. He asked me if was talking about Denice Haraway and I told, "If that is who's picture was on the front page of the news paper ,yes." that was just before we started work.
Tuesday around noon or a little after the sheriff, I think it was, showed up at the shop asking for me. He asked if I would ask to talk to Dennis Smith when I came in to pay on my fines Friday. I said that I sure would.
That Friday I was held up at the bank for about five minutes while this little old lady in front of me in the line looked for six cents of here deposit in the bottom of her handbag. I almost just gave her the nickle and penny! When I got to the county jail to pay on my fines I asked Earnest if Dennis Smith was around? He told me that I had just missed him by about 3 or 4 minutes! So I told him that I would try the next week.
I just never knew just how important it was for me to get to talk to Dennis Smith.